Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day Three: My Parents

It's funny how when you become an adult you become closer to your parents. I guess funny isn't the word because it actually makes total sense. You all went through school, possibly college, relationships that worked, relationships that were lost, and of course a job or career of sorts. Suddenly instead of refusing to listen to your parents you want their input and opinions in certain work or relationship situations. You look up to them like you did when you were a kid, but instead of seeing them as perfect super heroes, you see them as every day super heroes. People who have flaws, but make the most of their situations and impact people for the better.
Today (and every day, really) I am thankful for my parents.
We moved around a lot when we were growing up. I've lived in 3 states, 5 cities, and I don't even know how many schools I've been to. Throughout that time my parents have always been there and supported my brother and I with building new friendships, finding new hobbies, and excelling in school.
Granted, in high school I probably didn't appear very appreciative of my parents, but I was. Looking back I'm thankful for the way that they raised me and I can only hope I do the same for Owen. I was a sheltered kid, but I like that I didn't know what the swear words were until I was in 5th grade. I was old enough to make the decision that those words weren't words I wanted to use and even though I'm sure I could have said them at school, they were NEVER words to be said at home (you know, along with "stupid" and "jerk"...). I was glad that I didn't realize that some of my friends in high school may or may not have smoked or drank until I was in college. Of course college always show you things you never knew, but because of how I was and how my parents are, I knew better than to try things or do things I'd later regret.
Another thing that has always been center at our home was and is Jesus. I remember my parents teaching Sunday School, going to VBS during the summer, and our little church in Sturgis doing potlucks. I remember learning about Jesus and accepting him when I was 9 years old, which some may scoff at, but I have never been one to question things that are true. I remember church being this fun, social thing ever since I was little.
I am so grateful that He is always there and that my parents have cared about our eternal life and took us to church. I hope that Andrew and I can become more involved in church now and when Owen is older. It's just a way to live a good, Christian life and set the example for your kids.
I am also grateful that my parents live so close. I know that's selfish of me, but it's true. If you had asked me when I was a freshman in high school what I wanted to do it would have been to go to school overseas (never SDSU, where everyone wanted to go, because that was a party school) and live on the east coast or overseas. I am so glad I did not follow those dreams because things would have been so different! I am glad that I can call my mom if I'm having a sewing machine issue and she will come over later that day to help me. My parents come over to help us string the lights for Christmas. My parents are always available at the drop of a hat to do anything for Owen. It is nice to have some of your best friends so close!
I know this is getting lengthy and I also know that words cannot express my gratitude to the two people who gave me life in so many ways than one. Thank you for being mentors, friends, and a great example of what marriage is supposed to be. I love you, Mom & Dad!

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