Friday, November 8, 2013

Day Seven

Alright, folks. This whole daylights savings time ending has really put a kink in the "routine" and I have been beat all week. I know that technically we got an hour back, but try explaining that to a 15 month old when he wakes up at 6 o'clock. (Of course he does go to bed a little earlier because of that, too). To top it off, Owen had his 15 month check up yesterday which came with some pretty painful immunizations and a bonus even more painful "procedure". So yesterday was a bit rough.

At least there are pictures from our adventure at the Safari Park today! A trip in memory of the Western Black Rhino and in honor of the Northern White Rhino. The Safari Park has 2 Northern White Rhinos, Nola and her mate, that you should go see as soon as possible! There are only 5 others left in the world. I'm not sure why I'm so devastated by this. Probably because there was a lot that could have been done to stop their poaching. I can't believe that people kill them for their horns. And that people want them. They're made up of keratin, which is the same thing found in skin, hair, and fingernails. People should probably just start using those things in their magic disease-curing potions. Wow, clearly I'm upset by this. There is just so many technological advances and resources that could have been used to save this species, I'm sure. Anyways.

The Western Black Rhinoceros

I still have a lot of people to write about, but remember what I was saying about how difficult blogging is? Yea, I left out the part where I actually don't really like to write anything, so it's a lot harder for me. So with the above and this in mind, combined with the fact that I can't fall asleep until 1am, I'm giving myself an easy thing to be thankful for tonight. It's a bit broad... Maybe I'll be more specific in the days to follow, but we shall see.

Watching the meerkats play with an enrichment item. Always the first animal stop!

Today I'm thankful to live in the 21st Century.

Discovered a children's play place today! There was a lot of roaring going on!

Yep, super broad. And I'm not talking about everyone being addicted to technology and everything, because actually I really hate that and I feel that technology has just made people more stressed with the pressure of needing everything to be instantaneous. I digress.

All aboard the choo choo tram! Funniest and most informative tour in awhile!

While I understand I shouldn't be of this world, but rather of His Kingdom, I am thankful that He has given people the brains to come up with electricity, and cars, and immunizations. I am so grateful to have a dishwasher that works. A car to take us to Gramsie's house, and adventure days, and to visit friends. A stand mixer to easily mix together any type of dough or ice cream without breaking my arm. Shots to keep Owen and babies and adults safe and protected. Light so I can see where I'm going and what I'm doing on the road and at home. And cell phones so I can call someone any time from anywhere without needing to worry about where the next rest stop is on the road or if I have change for a pay phone (because I never have change!)

Night, night, Safari Park!

While it's hard living in a society that is so focused on moving forward and being the best, brightest, and newest, I am thankful that most of the innovations that I experience today make my life a little bit easier and give me time to do the things I love. Like putting the dishes away. I'm just kidding!

Waited so long to take a lemur tail picture of him!

So, thank you for my first (they'll probably be more) super general thankfulness post. Have a good night, everyone!

Lemur love.

Day Six: A Seestar

You know, a lot goes into blogging more than you think. I guess you could be off-the-cuff and talk about whatever, but then you have to add pictures and make it look pretty and the whole nine yards. And at the end of the day sometimes you're just beat. But during the day I come up with some "bloggable" material about my crafting or organizing (one of the three blogs I follow is iHeart Organizing) or one of our Adventure Days. But then pictures... It's always the pictures. Love to take them, hate to edit land post them. It's the same story with Etsy listings. Fail.

Anyways, that has nothing to do with my thankfulness subject today. Because she is not a fail. She is someone that I like to spend time with! And she is my seestar!
Robyn and I met when she met up for dinner at Texas Roadhouse on my last night of my first Cleveland trip. I think December 2007? Anyways. She came in a little late and slid across the booth across from me. It was fun to hear her talk because she had just started school in Savannah, Georgia at their College of Art and Design (SCAD, if you will). So she had a bit of a southern twang, but nothing quite like my family's. We didn't chat the whole time, I was still meeting everyone, so I assumed my observer role. We did talk though, but I wasn't sure what she thought of me. Luckily after dinner Andrew told me that she liked me more than she had any of his other girlfriends! Score!
I'd say our relationship has always been pretty good. I know that there are times when all The Rosners get together that can be pretty heated, but I've always taken a step back for those situations. I don't really push myself on her or make her do things. I like to say that I respect her space and time pretty well and I am happy to do anything with her or for her! I love that we're so easy going and are content to watch House Hunters for a million hours one day and then go off and do something fun the next.
I love the "schedule" we've adopted when she comes out to California. Owen and I pick her up from the airport, we eat at Bull Taco (seriously best Cali burrito of your life), and then turn on HGTV and take naps. I love that the first day is nothing but chill because normally I'm up pretty late the night before.
And I especially appreciate everything she did for me, Owen, and all of our friends on this past visit! It was a surprise that she was able to come out for Owen's first birthday. I was so excited because we hadn't seen her since Christmas. And since there was no mom on this visit (you know what I mean), Robyn stepped up and helped me with Owen, putting away the dishes, and some other things during her stay. Of course that doesn't even compare to what she did the day of his birthday party! That girl went to work. I asked her for help with a few things, but since so much needed to get done, after she was done with a task she'd immediately move to the next one without even questioning. See something that needed to get done? She did it. And I would have still been cleaning at least 90 minutes later if it wasn't for her!! Plus I helped her make our awesome matching t-shirts for our Disneyland trip! (Seriously, guys, she is talented beyond words. Check out some of her artwork here.)
Robyn, I am so thankful that it is YOU who I get to be sisters with. I miss you a lot, as does your babushka and brother. I know that we need to plan a Savannah trip in the near future!! You are so talented beyond words with whatever creative medium you try. I am always so excited to hear what you've been up. You get to do some pretty amazing things. You have so many opportunities waiting for you, I just know it. And I selfishly wish that they would bring you out west because I love you so!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day Five: The Other Parents

Well, I didn't post yesterday. And it wasn't due to technical difficulties. I was all excited after doing a walk through for a fabulous party that I'm helping with in December. So I was working on my business cards so I could try and look all official and things. Now everything is done and ordered and here I am again! (Oh, and the fabulous event is a fun wedding industry networking party hosted by Urban Style Wedding Network on December 12! If you're local and in the industry, you should definitely get your tickets here!)
And just to be clear, I am thankful for these things every day. I know that I may not always show it or express it as often as I would like, but I really am. Whenever I am having a rough day or I'm angry about something, I take a second to thank God for all that He has given me and it calms me down and helps me power through.
So, on with today's (or yesterday, if you're being technical) thankfulness shout out!
I am thankful for my other parents, my Midwest parents, The Rosners.
I first met Trish and Mike on my first visit out to West Lafayette, Indiana. It was a Saturday morning, game day, and probably around 10am when they came over to Andrew's apartment. Since I went to a school that didn't have school spirit of any sort (at least then) I loved the fact that people tailgated starting at 7 in the morning. Not for the drinking aspect of it, but more for the camaraderie. People in the Midwest and South and East Coast are passionate about their football and their team; something you don't really find in San Diego when you have a zillion choices of things to do any given day. And since Mike was a Purdue alumni and Andrew was enrolled there, he had season tickets and he lived in CLEVELAND. He would drive every. weekend. to watch them play football. That's dedication, folks.
Anyways, I digress. It was a Saturday morning, game day, so we were just getting up and getting going. We spent nearly the whole day with them and it was a blast! Right off the bat I knew that they were different than my parents when the first thing Trish asked me was if I wanted an Ice when I came down the stairs that morning. :)
I've always admired them and their relationship with Andrew. It was different than the one I had my parents, when we were trying to transition from a parent-kid role to more of a friends and mentor role. Trish, Mike, and Andrew had always been less parent-kid. Not to say that they let him do whatever he wanted, far from it! They trusted him and his judgment and were always there regardless of the situation to support him. Everything between the three of them has always been open and honest without judgment, which is a rare find these days. The care and passion for each other is always there, even when they're arguing over things. (Which is mostly over the little things, never over big things!)
As I get older and my friends start to get married, I realize how blessed I am to be friends with my in-laws. My mom and dad were always considered to be apart of the other's family (at least in my eyes), so I had a good example there. I know Trish has never been the stereotypical mother-in-law who backhandedly forces me to do things or passive aggressively critiques me for the way things are run at the house. And I am so grateful! She has picked up on the fact that I'm quiet and nonintrusive , but has always included me in on things to make me feel apart of situations, which I have a hard time with sometimes.
It would have been impossibly for Andrew or me to be in this relationship without their help and support. Not only financially, but emotionally too. They have bought us countless plane tickets when we were long distance. Helped Andrew move cross-country. And have helped us move into this awesome house, which is a blessing in itself.
I can't wait until Mike retires so they can come out to sunny San Diego and spend abundantly more time with us!! (Yay for the grandkid card!) I love you, other Mom and Dad! Thank you for letting me be a part of your awesome family and for being an excellent example of marriage and family!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day Four: Some Kid

So, yesterday's thankfulness post wasn't posted due to some technical difficulties. Sure, I could have published it all on my phone, but I would have to retype and I hate doing that on phones and I didn't have the pictures... You get the picture. So, I guess today is a two-for-one! Or one and a half for one... Either way.

I was debating on doing this post today or making him wait a couple of days... Drew texted me yesterday asking when his post was and I had planned on doing it today anyways. So, I guess I'll be nice and keep my word. :)

That being said, I'm thankful for the best little brother a girl could have.

I know we've been through a lot together, all the moves and friends and schools and sports practices that I had to sit through. I know some of it both of us don't remember and some of it you don't remember, but I like to hear stories about how I used to "read" to you when you were a baby.

My earliest memory is when Dad and I went to go to the hospital so that I could see you for the first time. We were in the pickup truck and eating chocolate chip granola bars and driving down the street. That's all I remember, but I guess it's an important first memory to have!

I do remember how I used to be the only one to make you silly laugh in the bathtub when you were a toddler. And how we played Power Rangers in the basement in Michigan even though Mom wouldn't let us watch the show. Remember "What time is it Mr. Fox", the clock game we played when we "shared a room" in Michigan? How did we know foxes would be so cool?!

I'm sorry that we weren't as close as we got older. I guess that's what the teenage years do to siblings. But I'm glad that we're close again now. You gave a killer wedding speech. And even though I know you tell Andrew way more things than me, and I appreciate that. I am so grateful that you two get along as well as you do. I know behind all the jabs at each other that you both really care about the other in true brother fashion.


Thank you for being such an awesome uncle to Owen. I know that you'll have more fun when he's older, but at least he does things to entertain you now (even though it should be the other way around). You'll be great to teach him all he needs to know about sports and you'll be the "cool" uncle (to him) when he's older to give him life advice that he'll possibly listen to more than mine.

I just hope you know that I am here for you and will always be here for you for whatever you need. Advice, networking opportunities, a room to sleep in, bail money (joke!)... I love you, Buddy, and I can't wait to see you in a few weeks! (And I'm sorry I didn't have any little kid pictures of us available... talk to Mom.)

Day Three: My Parents

It's funny how when you become an adult you become closer to your parents. I guess funny isn't the word because it actually makes total sense. You all went through school, possibly college, relationships that worked, relationships that were lost, and of course a job or career of sorts. Suddenly instead of refusing to listen to your parents you want their input and opinions in certain work or relationship situations. You look up to them like you did when you were a kid, but instead of seeing them as perfect super heroes, you see them as every day super heroes. People who have flaws, but make the most of their situations and impact people for the better.
Today (and every day, really) I am thankful for my parents.
We moved around a lot when we were growing up. I've lived in 3 states, 5 cities, and I don't even know how many schools I've been to. Throughout that time my parents have always been there and supported my brother and I with building new friendships, finding new hobbies, and excelling in school.
Granted, in high school I probably didn't appear very appreciative of my parents, but I was. Looking back I'm thankful for the way that they raised me and I can only hope I do the same for Owen. I was a sheltered kid, but I like that I didn't know what the swear words were until I was in 5th grade. I was old enough to make the decision that those words weren't words I wanted to use and even though I'm sure I could have said them at school, they were NEVER words to be said at home (you know, along with "stupid" and "jerk"...). I was glad that I didn't realize that some of my friends in high school may or may not have smoked or drank until I was in college. Of course college always show you things you never knew, but because of how I was and how my parents are, I knew better than to try things or do things I'd later regret.
Another thing that has always been center at our home was and is Jesus. I remember my parents teaching Sunday School, going to VBS during the summer, and our little church in Sturgis doing potlucks. I remember learning about Jesus and accepting him when I was 9 years old, which some may scoff at, but I have never been one to question things that are true. I remember church being this fun, social thing ever since I was little.
I am so grateful that He is always there and that my parents have cared about our eternal life and took us to church. I hope that Andrew and I can become more involved in church now and when Owen is older. It's just a way to live a good, Christian life and set the example for your kids.
I am also grateful that my parents live so close. I know that's selfish of me, but it's true. If you had asked me when I was a freshman in high school what I wanted to do it would have been to go to school overseas (never SDSU, where everyone wanted to go, because that was a party school) and live on the east coast or overseas. I am so glad I did not follow those dreams because things would have been so different! I am glad that I can call my mom if I'm having a sewing machine issue and she will come over later that day to help me. My parents come over to help us string the lights for Christmas. My parents are always available at the drop of a hat to do anything for Owen. It is nice to have some of your best friends so close!
I know this is getting lengthy and I also know that words cannot express my gratitude to the two people who gave me life in so many ways than one. Thank you for being mentors, friends, and a great example of what marriage is supposed to be. I love you, Mom & Dad!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day Two: Owen

Owen. My first born. The light of my life.
My hardest, yet most rewarding days come from the ones that I spend with him.
It's so hard to believe that we are now on the "second" when it comes to holidays. Whenever I see the teeny newborn clothes hanging up at the store it's hard to think that those used to be too big for him and now he's up running around and being very much his own person. And while I'm very, very grateful to be passed the newborn stage of his life (it was probably one of the most stressful times of my life), I am a bit sad that the cute and quiet times are gone too.
I loved sitting on the couch with him and having him fall asleep on me. It was a good excuse not to get any sort of cleaning done or errands run and such a great time for both of us. Of course he'd wake up a few hours later because I inevitably had to move because our cuddle sessions got very hot from all the body heat! The first time he rolled over, the first time he started smiling, his first time in the bunny swing, the first time he slept in his crib, first football season... All memories now.
Of course I am super excited to be in this toddler phase of life! It's a lot more tiring, but oh so rewarding. It is crazy with the amount of things he has learned just in the past month alone. We picked him up from Children's Church one Sunday and he had added "more" to his sign language vocabulary! (Thank you, "Grandma" Roberta!) That week we traveled to Cleveland and in the span of 20 minutes we taught him "please" with goldfish. Of course now he just short-cuts the "more please" to "please", but still.
The past few weeks he's taken to walking more than crawling. He doesn't want to sit or be held any more if he can just walk around himself (with handholding). He gets fussy more, but that's probably because he's finally getting more than 4 teeth. He can be a little sassy, especially when he's tired, but that's just because he now knows what he wants and what he doesn't like. We used to be able to feed him ANYTHING, but now he has his preferences of fruit, dairy, carbs, and sweets... Kinda like his mom...
I love that I can already see the things that have been constant throughout his life. I hope that he will always be the cute kid in the check out line at Joann's that flirts with the other ladies in line. I hope that he will always be entertained with people watching and that the characters and crowds at Disneyland will never scare him. I also hope that he continues being an easy sleeper. He slept through the night starting around 6 weeks old, and except for a week or two span during his 4 month growth spurt, that hasn't changed. I hope that he'll be a good eater. He used to be stellar, but I know around this time they stop eating as much as they used to. I just hope that he's more like Andrew and less like me as he gets bigger.
He has always been my sidekick. When people ask me what it's like to be a mom, that's always in my answer. I have an instant best friend, a person who is (almost) always down to go to the zoo or aquarium or Target with me. It's cliché, but being a mom is by far the most rewarding and tiring job in the world. What other job is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a lifetime?!
It's a little daunting to think of all the things he still has to learn and the people that he'll have to learn to deal with in his life. But I know that Andrew and I always want to be open and honest with him and I am just hoping that this will benefit all of us when he's a decade or two older.
I can't wait for the upcoming holidays to spend with a now toddler (so weird to think of him that still!). It will be so much fun now that he can eat turkey and stuffing, tear into the wrapping paper, and run around the house in his Christmas pajamas.
Thank you, Owen, for being the most perfect first born a mom could ask for. I am so proud of the little person you have become and I just know that you will be a person that people continue to want to be around as you get older.