I've been feeling the urge to start blogging. I check about 3-4 blogs daily, nothing overwhelming or impressive, but the ladies who run those blogs have inspired me. I buy certain baby products because of their reviews. I try out new projects because of their experiences. It's kind of crazy to think that someone I've never met in real life has impacted it so.
But I feel that with (almost) a year under my belt as being a mommy, I have things to share too! I want to be able to document what projects I do, what Owenasaurus's new favorite toys are, what vacations we've taken. I want to be able to look back and read these posts and maybe even compare these experiences now to ones in the future.
I want to be a mommy that new mommies can connect with. No one knows what the heck they're doing when they become a parent. Sadly, those necessary classes prepare you for everything up until you take your new bundle of joy home! But I can share what works for us because maybe that'll work for someone else!
So, here goes nothing! And as I say to Owen when we're leaving, let's rock and roll!